This contract publishes collections of NFT for example 10,000, hence TenK. Each time a token is minted it is randomly chosen from the remaining tokens. The core mechanism for this is a Raffle
collection type, which allows randomly picking from a range without replacement. This contract also introduces the idea of using a linkdrop proxy to allow the owner or a normal user to "pre-mint" an item.
Each token_id
is numbered in a range, e.g. 0-10,000
. This each asset and its metadata then named correspondingly, e.g. 0.png
, 0.json
. These files are placed into a flat directory and added to IPFS. This hash is used as the base_uri
for the contract and all minted token_id
can be used to find its corresponding file.
For example,
Currently this project wraps its own linkdrop-proxy, but in the future it this will be its own contract that any contract use for the same ability to add a callback to be used when the linkdrop is claimed. When a linkdrop is created it reserves a raffle draw to be made when claiming. This allows the token to be a surprise (unless it's the last one).
TypeScript docs are found at
Currently there is no standard format to describe the types of a contract. One proposal is to use the wit
which while intended as a tool to generate bindings that act as polyfill for WebAssembly Interface Types
, it provides a language agnostic
way to describe types for the API of a Wasm Binary.
This work has led to the creation of witme
, a tool for both generating a .wit
document describing a Rust smart contract and generating a TypeScript file
from a .wit
document. The generated TS file also includes a Contract
class which handles calling the corresponding methods.
For example, nft_transfer
generates the following three functions:
// Will throw if there is an error and parse result if it exist.
nft_transfer(args: {
receiver_id: AccountId;
token_id: TokenId;
approval_id?: u64;
memo?: string;
}, options?: ChangeMethodOptions): Promise<void>;
// Will return the response from the server regardless of it succeeded
nft_transferRaw(args: {
receiver_id: AccountId;
token_id: TokenId;
approval_id?: u64;
memo?: string;
}, options?: ChangeMethodOptions): Promise<providers.FinalExecutionOutcome>;
// Creates a function call action that can be added to a transaction
// See the `./scripts/deploy.ts` for how this can be used
nft_transferTx(args: {
receiver_id: AccountId;
token_id: TokenId;
approval_id?: u64;
memo?: string;
}, options?: ChangeMethodOptions): transactions.Action;
Having the types mean that your contract calls will be type checked and prevent failed transactions from missing or malformed arguments.
View calls also generate a function.
/// makes a view call and parses the result
nft_payout(args: {
token_id: string;
balance: U128;
max_len_payout?: number;
}, options?: ViewFunctionOptions): Promise<Payout>;
nft_token(args: { token_id: TokenId;}, options?: ViewFunctionOptions): Promise<Token | null>;
The main file and types of this package are found ./contracts/tenk/dist/*
and specified in the package.json
. These
From another TS project:
import { Contract } from "tenk-nft"
async function main({account}) {
const contract = new Contract(account, "tenkv0.testnet.tenk");
await contract.nft_transfer({receiver_id: "eve.testnet", token_id: "0"});
const token = await contract.nft_token({token_id: "0"})
console.log(`token ${token}`);
A recent update to near-cli
allows passing a script the current context of the current near
environment. This includes the account that is signing the transactions, access to the same near-api-js
that the cli is using, and an array of arguments passed to the script.
For example, from the script update_royalties.ts
import {Context} from "near-cli/context";
import {Contract} from "..";
export async function main({ account, argv }: Context) {
let [contractId] = argv;
if (contractId === null) {
console.error("need to supply contract's accountId")
console.error("... -- <contractId>")
let contract = new Contract(account, contractId);
const royalties = {
percent: 690,
accounts: {
"tenk.sputnik-dao.near": 2500,
"bob.near": 7500,
let res = await contract.update_royalties({ royalties });
Run the script with near-cil
's repl
command using the option -s
to pass a script. Other arguments of near-cli can be passed
and any arguments after the --
are collected in the passed argv
near repl -s ./scripts/update_royalties.ts --accountId owner.testnet -- contract.testnet
This makes it easy to create your own near scripts, while still getting the benefit of type checking parameters.
env var set to api key from https://nft.storage0-x
with matching names 0.png
in all in the same directory. E.g. dir/0.png
: npm install -g nft-cli
nft pack dir --output
nft upload
. Optionaly can pass api token with --api-key
Here is one example of a "hack" that stole $85 million worth of nfts minted in a similar fasion. The "attacker" was able to map the NFT's id (our index) to its worth (its rarity). Then made a contract that made a cross contract call to mint an NFT, then canceling the transaction if it's not rare enough. Though this cost the "attacker" $20K fees per hour, they were able to see the rare items and reap the reward.
The key aspect that this hack and others like it on Ethereum rely on is that a series of cross contract calls either succeed or fail. This way you can opt out of it before the end and goods never change hands. On Near this is not the case. Each cross contract call is asynchronous and can change the state. This means when you use a cross contract call to mint a token and it succeeds, any money spent is gone and the token minted. Thus unlike the Ethereum example if you aren't satisfied with the token you received you can't choose to not receive it and not pay the owner.
For more information about the API provided by the NFT standard see
This project also aims to highlight the newest way to test smart contracts on near using near-workspaces
. See example tests in __test__
Node must be installed. And Rust must be install see Getting Started in
To build docs witme
must be installed.
cargo install witme
Generated using TypeDoc